Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aretha Franklin Say She Will Never Retire + New Album

Today on The View, the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin declared she will never retire from music. Being 85 pounds lighter and back on track with her health, the singer admitted it was a thought before, but she’s tied to her music for life.

“I’ve considered retiring before, but I’d get so emotional about it. And people were like, ‘You’re kidding — you can’t.’ So there isn’t going to be any retirement”.

I noticed that her voice was a little shaky and she soon then touched on that issue saying the weight loss has ultimately affected her voice, but her commitment to good music is unraveled.

“Your weight affects your voice,” she admitted. “It does mine, anyway. The tone is a little fuller when you’re heavier. At the weight I was at before — what I would call my fighting weight — I had my best, best, best voice,” she explained. “It’s still generally the same, but I can hear that little bit of difference.”

In other news, an upcoming biopic of her life is on its way to production. She originally had Halle Berry in mind to play the role of her, but the seasoned actress wasn’t up for it. Next on the list is Jennifer Hudson or Fantasia.

“They’re both very good singers and very good actresses,” said Franklin, revealing that there will be a younger and older Aretha — perfect for two actresses. “My feeling is that we’ll end up with two Arethas, one younger and one older. And you never know who we’ll find.”

Make sure y’all go support mama Retha as she releases her 38th studio album on May 3rd entitled, “Aretha: A Woman Falling Out of Love.”

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