Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lindsay Lohan: “I Let A Lot of My Fans Down” [VIDEO]

Lindsay Lohan is serious about getting her acting career back on track.

In a “Tonight Show” interview that aired last night, the Mean Girls star told Jay Leno she’s shooting for Oscar gold.

Leno asked Lohan where she sees herself in five years, to which she replied, “Hopefully sitting here after I’ve won an Oscar. That would be ideal.”

The troubled starlet knows that turning her career around is not going to be easy, but she is prepared to work hard.

“As long as I stay focused, then I will be able to achieve what I want to achieve,” she said.

Lohan admitted to her past indisgressions, most recently, being sentenced to 120 days in jail after she was charged with a probation violation for allegedly stealing a $2,500 necklace from a Venice jewelry store.

“I made a lot of poor decisions in the past,” she said. “And I’m dealing with the consequences of those decisions. So, yeah, there were times when I was concerned [about getting work], but I’m a fighter. And I know I have to work to gain the respect back.”

“I let a lot of my fans down by putting myself in situations when I was young and wasn’t thinking clearly,” she added.

Watch the full interview below!

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