Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mama D Apologizes To Diamond + Soulja Boy Confirms His Relationship With Diamond

The other day Mama D aka Lil Scrappy’s mother went on the air and released vulgar statements about her sons ex-girldfriend Diamond when word surfaced she was dating Soulja Boy. Off of emotions she went straight to Atlanta’s Hot 107.9 and blatantly exposed to the world about her sons situation. The very next day she retracted all of her statements issuing out a humble apology to Diamond. She wanted Diamond to know she was just upset, she still considers Diamond to be like a daughter to her and loves her dearly.

Soulja Boy later went to twitter to let the world know that he and Diamond are and item by sending a picture of he and Diamond through twitter of them lying in the bed together after Diamond made him breakfast in bed. He also tweeted a comment stating:

“one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”

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