Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jennifer Hudson Insults Beyonce & Rihanna

Recently J-Hud sat down with the UKs Daily Mail and was asked if she would ever pose for Playboy and Jennife replied:

“I’ve love my new figure. All the fabulous clothes I can wear and get sent, I joke that I’m like a walking billboard now. But I won’t be taking my clothes off – no way at all. Beyonce and Rihanna can have that. I like to cover up more. I won’t do Playboy. Playboy can call, and wait. That’s just not me.”

That comment didn’t sit well with a loyal Beyonce fan and the fan went to the extreme and called my homegirl J-Hud a Bi*ch via twitter. Jennifer happened to find the tweet in her news feed and went off on the inraged fan for assuming she was being messy or trying to throw shade at Bey or RihRih!

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