Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Zoo to review security in light of stabbing

The director of the National Zoo said Tuesday he intends to continue annual Easter Monday events despite several fights and a teen’s stabbing this year - but not without a major review that includes security improvements and plans to close gates to control overflow crowds.

Zoo director Dennis Kelly made the announcement as D.C. officials charged 16-year-old D.C. resident Mshairi Alkebular in connection with the stabbing of another teen six times during two attacks.

Mshairi, also known as “Swiper,” was charged as an adult Tuesday with two counts of assault with intent to kill while armed.

D.C. Superior Court Magistrate Judge Diana Harris Epps ordered him held without bail during an afternoon hearing.

“I find it very troubling that on such a wonderful, beautiful day … the park is yet again plagued with such horrible activities,” she said.

Mshairi’s next court appearance is scheduled for May 6.

Mr. Kelly said the zoo will conduct a “thorough review of the day.”

“For the past 10 years, we’ve had sufficient security resources, and now we need to re-evaluate for the future,” he said. “My goal is to continue the National Zoo Easter Monday tradition in a way that we can ensure not just a quality experience but to maintain the safety for all visitors that come here.”

Court records show the fight started at about 3:30 p.m. near the Small Mammal House. The victim recognizedMshairi from the Barry Farms neighborhood in Southeast and a fight ensued.

Authorities say Mshairi stabbed the teen twice in the elbow and that members of the zoo’s police department “approached, broke up the fight, and advised the parties to leave the property.”

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